PVC courtains
General informations: Trade names: PVC strip curtains Hall partitions, PVC foil curtains Hall curtains, slats, strip partitions, Color: colorless… -
Product information: Symbol: PTFE Name: Polytetrafluoroethylene Trade names: Tarflen®, Boraflon, Tecaflon, Fluon®, Halon, Polyflon, Reproflon® Color: white, grey (PTFE + carbon),… -
Product information: Symbol: PA Name: Poliamid Trade names: Ertalon®, Tarnamid®, Nylatron®, Boramid, Tecamid®, Nylon Color: white, green, black, blue, green, beige… -
Product information: Symbol: TCF Name: Cotton and phenol laminate Trade name: Tekstolit, Novotex, Rezoteks, Turbax, Textit® Color: brown Semi-fabricates: sheets,… -
Product information: Symbol: PMMA Name: Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA), acrylic glass, organic glass, acrylic sheets Trade names: Plexi, Pleksi, Pleksa,… -
Product information: Symbol: PC Name: Polycarbonate Color: transparent, colored Semi-fabricates: boards, panels Description: Polycarbonate is a perfect solution for… -
PUR Polyurethane
Product information: Symbol: PUR Name: Polyurethane Semi-fabricates: boards, sieves, sleeves and strips Description: Polyurethanes are polymers, key chains of… -
PE Polyethylene
Product information: Symbol: PE Name: Polyethylene, Polieten Trade names" Solidur, Boralen, Tecafine, Cestilene, Cesticolor, Cestitech, Cestidur, Gur® Color: natural, green and… -
POM Polyacetal
Product information Symbol: POM Name: Poliacetal, Polioksymetylen, Paraform, Poli(tlenek metylenu), Paraformaldehyd, Poliformaldehyd Trade names: Ertacetal®, Tarnoform®, Delrin®, Boracetal, Hostaform®,…